
We are proud to be affiliated to some of the leading industry bodies and we work closely with them so you can be assured of not only quality products but that we are adhering to strict guidelines and legal compliancy at all times.


They Include:

Caterforce is one of the biggest foodservice buying and marketing consortiums in the UK, sourcing products from a huge range of leading suppliers and manufacturers. We are delighted to be one of Caterforce’s seven leading independent foodservice wholesalers.

We take advantage of their incredible national buying power, guaranteeing you competitive prices at all times.

Our membership of Caterforce, also, allows us to bring you our own brand products (Chefs Selections). All products are rigorously tried and tested so you are guaranteed quality products at a reasonable cost.

The AHDB is funded by farmers, growers and others in the supply chain, and managed as an independent organisation. Its purpose is to inspire farmers, growers and industry to succeed in a rapidly changing world, and we share its vision for a world-class food and farming.

The AHDB offers us help and guidance so our butchery team can keep bringing you the latest trends and cuts to the market.

BFFF is the UK’s frozen food trade association, with over 300 members comprising producers, wholesalers, importers, exporters, brokers, retailers and related associate businesses. Our membership helps us keep up-to-date with legislative and commercial activities and promote the frozen food sector within the industry.


NCB Foodservice provides corporate buyers with direct local deliveries of fresh food with national prices, central administration and local service through a proprietor-driven network of supply partners.

We work closely with Cumberland Trading Standards to ensure we achieve and maintain legal compliance and quality assurance in all aspects of our operation.